GYST* Success Coaching Support for Hurricane Prep 

GYST* Success Coaching Support for Hurricane Prep 

I have posted this periodically as needed over the last few years. From your friendly Certified Professional Organizer and GYST* Success Coach.

Things We Learned Evacuating for Hurricane Irma by June Carter, Professional Organizer, and Peter Carter, Certified Continuity Professional

Hurricane Irma caused the end of the world as we know it in Florida. With our area under mandatory evacuation we got our stuff together to leave and used it as another ***** learning opportunity. Of course first we checked the official FEMA site and all the check lists . The Home Land Security site also has a really good checklist at

There are things that we experienced that may be unique to the Carters but probably not. Here are some (not all) the things we added to our own personal evacuation list.

Organize clothes and papers in a way that is easy to grab in an emergencyMake one person the Project Manager for packing but use perspective of all involvedEvacuating is more fun with a dog, Thanks Nacho!Evacuation is more fun with friends. Thanks Lisa for being in Augusta when we were there.Do a dry run the night before with empty suitcases to see what fits in the carPaper maps are easier than a GPS to determine alternate routesBring music for the car ride that will keep you awake while drivingBring trivia games for the car ride

Wraps work better than sandwiches in a moving car

Cold cuts work better in a moving car than chicken or tuna salad

Don’t post that you are leaving anywhere on social media. Tell friends and family not to post about you leaving

Keep sense of humor

Avoid road rage or any rage

Get stuff out of dry cleaner before hurricane. The big glass front of the store is vulnerable.

Enjoy meeting new people at your destination. A family bought us lunch in Birmingham and we cried. People are nice and want to be supportive.

Identify least vulnerable spot in house put most fragile and valuable things there off the floor on water proof egg crates

Enjoy meeting the neighbors as you are all planning your escape

Back road service stations may have gas when those on the main roads have run out.

Turn off the TV while packing, don’t buy into the hype and fear

Water bottles in car are better with straws or sports top

When you bring the outdoor furniture in from outside try to get bugs and lizards off everything before bringing them into the house

Tell loved ones your plans, keep them informed and ask them not to contact you as you have your hands full EVACUATING!

Hopefully there is no next time but if there is or before there is make you own personal list for your own family.

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